Where to watch south park episode 201
Where to watch south park episode 201

In addition, this notice is without prejudice to the positions that you have an affirmative obligation to prevent or limit infringement of the Rights Owners’ exclusive rights without regard to receiving a specific takedown notice.

where to watch south park episode 201

Nothing in this letter shall serve as a waiver of any rights or remedies of the Rights Owners with respect to the alleged infringement, all of which are expressly reserved. For email correspondence, please reference the above Notice ID in the subject line. Please respond indicating the actions you have taken to resolve this matter. Additionally I request that the removed link be replaced with the following language: “This video has been removed because of infringement.” I urge you to take immediate action to stop this infringing activity and inform me of the results of your actions. Here is an excerpt from it: I hereby request that you immediately remove or block access to the infringing material and ensure the user refrains from using or sharing with pirromount the Rights Owners’ materials in the future. We recently received an email which was appropriately resting in our junk mail folder. We felt very strongly that when you censor art because somebody has an issue with it, whether it be terrorists or a Sunday school preacher, we devolve back to an era where burning books and destroying rock and roll records were the norm. We originally posted this video because, unlike them, we are not afraid of terrorists, Al Qaeda, Talaban or suicide bombers. The episodes in question are 2001’s Super Best Friends (Season 5, Episode 3), Cartoon Wars Part 1 and Part 2 (Season 10, Episodes 3 and 4) from 2006 as well as 200 and 201 (Season 14, Episodes 5 and 6), which both aired in 2010.Those of you who came to see the unedited South Park episode 201, I must regretfully inform you that we have been forced by the pussies that be to take it down. That’s right, though the much-beloved adult comedy series is now available on the newly launched HBO streaming service, it has once again been scrutinized as a result of its depictions of Islam’s Prophet Muhammad, according to the Hollywood Reporter (THR).Ĭartoons, or any other sort of satirical depiction, of Muhammad - or any other Islamic prophet - go against Islamic beliefs and are forbidden, according to a BBC report from 2015. It’s been less than a month since the highly anticipated launch of HBO Max and now, thanks to a licensing deal from the ViacomCBS network, subscribers now have the option to watch all 23 seasons of South Park ⁠- well, all but five episodes.

where to watch south park episode 201 where to watch south park episode 201

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